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'IBC has direct, indirect impact of Rs 3 lakh crore on NPAs'

'IBC has direct, indirect impact of Rs 3 lakh crore on NPAs'

Last Updated: Nov 25 2018 | 10:06 PM IST

New Delhi, Nov 24 (ANI): Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) Secretary Injeti Srinivas said that the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) has an impact of around Rs 3 lakh Crore on non-performing assets (NPAs). Speaking to press after an event organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) at the national capital, Srinivas said, "The direct and indirect impact of the IBC is around three lakh Crore. It is cumulative of resolution and pre-admission cases along with the non-standard NPA accounts being converted to standard accounts." "The resolution cases have led to a recovery of about Rs. 71,000 crore, cases at a mature stage of resolution is about Rs. 51,000 crores, which amounts to a total of Rs. 1.2 lakh crore from resolution. The total of resolution and pre-admission settlement is close to Rs 2.4 lakh crore," the MCA secretary said. Speaking on the number of cases that have been resolved, he said, "Out of the 9,000 cases broadly 50 per cent about 4

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