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Book Building
₹ 167.93
₹ 529
₹ 14,812.00
1 Week | 6.92 |
1 Month | -18.19 |
3 Month | -5.15 |
Initial public offer of 3,174,416 equity shares for cash at a price of Rs. 529 per equity share (including a premium of Rs. 519 per equity share) aggregating to Rs. 167.93 crores comprising of a fresh issue of 2,558,416 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 135.34 crores and offer for sale of 616,000 equity shares (The Offered Shares). aggregatting up to Rs. 32.59 crores such offer for sale by the selling shareholders the Offer for Sale and together with the fresh issue The Offerr. The offer will constitute 25.05 of its post offer paid up equity share capital of the company). The offer includes a reservation of upto 5,796 equity shares aggregatting up to Rs. 0.31 crores constitute up to 0.05% of the post offer paid-up equity share capital., for subscriotion by eligible employee (The Employee Reservation Portion). The offer less the employee portion is herein after referred to as the Net Offer'. The offer shall constitute 25.05 and 25.01% respectively of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company.The face value of the equity share is Rs. 10 each and the offer price is 52.90 times the face value of the equity shares.
Setting up a new facility at Vallam Vadagal SIPCOT for MFG high tensile fasteners and hex bolts. Funding capital expenditure requirements towards purchase of equipment plant and machinery at. Repayment/prepayment in full or part of certain borrowings availed by the company. General corporate purposes.
Gala Precision Engineering Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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