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Book Building
₹ 5349.72
₹ 1125
₹ 13,500.00
1 Week | 0.87 |
1 Month | 3.24 |
3 Month | -6.94 |
6 Month | -12.49 |
1 Year | 3.46 |
3 Year | -38.61 |
Initial public offering of 47,575,326 equity shares of face value of Rs. 1 each (Equity Shares) of FSN E-Commerce Ventures Limited (The Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 1125* per equity share (including a share premium of Rs. 1124 per equity share) (Offer Price) aggregating to Rs. 5349.72 crores (The Offer) comprising a fresh issue of 5,602,666 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 630.00 crores (The Fresh Issue) and an offer for sale of 41,972,660* equity shares aggregating to Rs. 4719.72 crores by the selling shareholders referred to in annexure a (The Offer for Sale). The offer included a reservation of 250,000 equity shares (constituting 0.05% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital) for purchase by eligible employees (The Employee Reservation Portion). The offer less the employee reservation portion is hereinafter referred to as the Net Offer. The offer and the net offer would constitute 10.06% and 10.01%, respectively, of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital. The offer price is Rs. 1125 per equity share and is 1125 times the face value of the equity shares and the anchor investor price is Rs. 1125 per equity share. *A Discount of Rs. 100 per equity share was offered to eligible employees bidding in the employee reservation portion. *Subject to finalization of the basis of allotment.
Investment in certain of the Subsidiaries, namely, FSN Brands and / or Nykaa Fashion for Funding the set-up of New Retail Stores. Capital Expenditure to be incurred by the Company and Investment in certain of the Subsidaries, namely, Nykaa E-Retail, FSN Brands and Nykaa Fashion for Funding the set-up of New Warehouses. Repayment or Prepayment of Outstanding Borrowings availed by the Company and One of the Subsidiaries, Namely, Nykaa E-Retal. Expenditure to Enhance the Visibility and Awarness of the Bands. General Corporate Purposes.
FSN E-Commerce Ventures Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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