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Book Building
₹ 840.27
₹ 346
₹ 14,878.00
1 Week | 3.97 |
1 Month | 9.37 |
3 Month | 16.53 |
6 Month | 43.18 |
1 Year | 63.95 |
Initial public offering of 24,285,160* equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each (Equity Shares) of Blue Jet Healthcare Limited (the Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 346 per equity share (including a share premium of Rs. 344 per equity share) (Offer Price) aggregating to Rs. 840.27 crores* (the Offer). The offer comprises of an offer for sale of 24,285,160* equity shares (Offered Shares) aggregating to Rs. 840.27 crores*, including 18,366,311* equity shares aggregating to Rs. 635.47 crores* by Akshay Bansarilal Arora and 5,918,849* equity shares aggregating to Rs. 204.79 crores* by Shiven Akshay Arora (collectively referred as Selling Shareholders and such offer for sale by the selling shareholders, the Offer for Sale). The offer constituted 14.00 % of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital. The offer price is 173.00 times the face value of the equity shares. *Subject to finalization of basis of allotment
Listing the Equity Shares on the Stock Exchanges.
Blue Jet Healthcare Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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