A 30-year-old man was arrested in Jharkhand's Palamu district on Tuesday for allegedly hacking the Election Commission's portal used for generating voter identity cards, police said. Mukesh Kumar was arrested from Karso village in Chaonpur police station area on a complaint from the EC, they said. He was interrogated by several officers, including Palamu's Deputy Commissioner Shashi Ranjan, officials said. A team of half dozen investigators, comprising police officers and civil officials, are probing the case, they added. The arrested is suspected to be part of a network that has links in several districts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, officials said. The EC had informed the Palamau district administration that the URL used for generating voter identity cards from a Customer Service Point (CSP) in Chaunpur's Karso area was hacked and fake voter identity cards were made, they said. The EC had given the responsibility of making voter ID cards to a private company, giving it a URL and
The court said it will hear in August a plea seeking a direction to the Election Commission to stop using electronic voting machine (EVM) and use ballot paper in the forthcoming polls in the country.
US Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a sweeping bill to overhaul federal elections, heightening already inflamed tensions over voting rights
At least 73.58 per cent of the total 2.74 crore voters exercised their franchise for the state assembly elections according to a preliminary assessment when polling drew to a close at 7 pm in Kerala
The voter turnout in the Kerala assembly polls was 69.95 per cent, 63.47 per cent in Tamil Nadu and 77.90 per cent in Puducherry till 5 pm, the Election Commission said Tuesday.
Elections to the 294-member West Bengal Assembly is being conducted in eight phases
Voting by Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Covid infected people and those above the age of 80 using postal ballots began in Assam on Wednesday, election officials said
A new executive order from President Joe Biden directs federal agencies to take a series of steps to promote voting access
Mock trails for remote voting facility for electors would begin soon, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora has said.
Security risks can persist in Internet- and blockchain-based voting systems, says a study by researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
As of Wednesday afternoon, over 75 million votes have been cast, which represents more than half the ballots cast during the entirety of the 2016 election cycle
The stakes have soared as a battle over energy rights in the eastern Mediterranean has intensified over the last year
Union Minister for Law and Justice Ravi Shankar Prasad said the decision has been taken in view of the constraints related to logistics, manpower and safety protocols for Covid-19
Since we are living in a constantly changing world, we should use technology as much as possible and use the advantages that blockchain-based voting offers
Turnout was low through the day but picked up in the evening, compared to 67.12 per cent turnout in the city's elections in 2015. Votes will be counted on February 11, Tuesday
From how to check voter information online to how to find polling booth nearest you - here are answers to some frequently asked questions by voters in India
The move comes days after the Law Ministry amended Conduct of Election Rules allowing 'absentee voters' of essential services, senior citizens of more than 80 years of age and people with disabilities
Low to average voter turnout was reported in assembly elections in Maharashtra and Haryana, where the BJP is seeking a second term in power and has predicted an easy victory.
The elections will be held on October 21, results of which will be declared on October 24
Commission had earlier said it supported the proposal but cost involved will be of over Rs 9,000 crore