Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Saturday said there is need to include more information on the culture and history of northeastern region in the national syllabus. This, he said, would help to promote national integration. Sangma was virtually participating at the NITI Aayog Governing Council meeting where Arunachal Chief Minister Pema Khandu had also made a similar suggestion. "In the @NITIAayog Governing Council meeting chaired by @narendramodi ji, honble CM Arunachal Pradesh @PemaKhanduBJP ji gave a wonderful suggestion of including more info on north east culture chapters in national syllabus. It will go a long way in building national integration," the chief minister tweeted. Sangma also stressed the importance of strengthening cooperative federalism. "In #NitiAayog's Governing Council meet with PM @narendramodi ji, Lt Governors & CMs, stressed on the need to strengthen cooperative federalism through Sister-State relationship & the role GoI can ..
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education has suggested that the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) should open schools abroad
The Odisha government announced that physical classes in colleges and universities in the state will resume from January 11 for the students of final year undergraduate and post-graduate courses
Schools across Odisha are closed since March in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic
Delhi government has decided to maintain the status quo on schools' closure till October 31
The Uttar Pradesh government on Saturday said schools for students of classes 9 to 12 will reopen from October 19, after remaining shut for over six months in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Maharashtra, Manipur, Jharkhand, Mizoram, Sikkim and others are yet to take a final decision on resuming classes. Here's a list of states will will allow schools to re-open and those that won't
India went in for an early lockdown and encouraged social distancing and other measures, unlike the Trump and Bolsonaro govts
Kerala has once again emerged as the most literate state in the country, while Andhra Pradesh featured at the bottom with a rate of 66.4 per cent
Rajasthan is the second worst performer with literacy rate at 69.7 per cent, followed by Bihar at 70.9 per cent
There will be more people in the north, but wealth will be in the south: good governance can manage such rifts, write T N Ninan
The idea of using the mother tongue as the medium of instruction in primary school is not new to the Indian education system
Revisiting the basics, decoupling schooling from schools, ensuring trust of students and parents with alternative teaching methods were few areas outlined by him
2.7 per cent of rural children in Class I could not even recognise letters in their medium of instruction, and 35.7 per cent could not recognise numbers from 1-9
Try meeting her once and you'll understand why she's the brand that she is
A detailed design was developed and a silicone 3D printer helped them reach the basic form of their prototype
Poor resource allocation and swankier private competitors are two of the many reasons government schools are losing students rapidly
He denied the claims that teaching of English would have an adverse effect on the Kannada language
Indian School Leaders Institute, a Mumbai-based initiative, aims to motivate leaders to transform a failing institution into a successful one
Guarav Singh found his calling when he took up teaching and set up a foundation to improve the skills of school teachers