Chief Economist Maurice Obstfeld said International Monetary Fund does not want politicians 'manipulating' central banks for political ends
RBI's capital base is Rs 9.69 trn at present; FinMin wants it to be lowered in line with global practices
What neither side disputes is that Gurumurthy, who joined the central bank's board in August, is now one of the country's most influential economic voices
The government and most board members feel the RBI should be "more transparent and accountable" for its decisions.
Like the government, most board members feel that RBI should be 'more transparent and accountable' for its decisions
The brass of the finance ministry and the RBI are in touch to decide the members and terms of reference of the committee
The board made three decisions which, if executed quickly, are seen as "uppers" of sorts for India Inc ahead of the general elections in 2019
N Damodaran said a mature conversation between both the sides, carried out in private, will help iron out the differences
The members, including government nominees, will press for some of the weak banks to be removed from the so-called prompt corrective action list
The government for the second year in a row has pegged fiscal deficit at 3.3% of GDP this financial year
A liquidity crunch had hit India's shadow banks in September and October after a major infrastructure funding company defaulted on a series of debt obligations spreading panic among other NBFCs
The proposals to discuss governance at the RBI's December 14 board meeting may further inflame tensions between the finance ministry and central bank.
We respect the autonomy of the Reserve Bank of India, said Jaitley
Manmohan Singh accused Modi of misusing the Prime Minister's post
PM Modi wants to keep India's economy firing as he campaigns for re-election next year. RBI Governor Urjit Patel has other priorities
RBI board decided to constitute an expert committee to examine the economic capital framework of the central bank
Govt, RBI deserve credit for defusing the crisis
The fight between finance ministry and RBI is being replaced with skirmishes between the board and its executive management
This truce is a defeat for India's central bank
A decision in this regard too was taken at the Board meeting held in Mumbai yesterday