The prosecution claimed on Tuesday that no sanction was needed to pursue a criminal case against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for allegedly disrespecting the national anthem as the incident had taken place during a 'political' visit and not an official one. A special court for cases against MPs and MLAs here was hearing a review petition filed by Banerjee against a summons issued against her by a local magistrate's court in connection with the case. Mumbai BJP functionary Vivekanand Gupta filed a complaint before a magistrate's court last year alleging that Banerjee did not stand up when the national anthem was being played at an event during her visit to Mumbai in December 2021. A First Information Report be registered against her under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, he demanded. The Trinamool Congress leader filed a review petition before the special court against the summons issued by the magistrate, arguing that the mandatory sanction to prosecu
India is marking its 76th Independence Day on August 15, 2022. Read this article to know the timings of flag hoisting, key highlights, and all the important details of the event
Leader of the Opposition in West Bengal assembly Suvendu Adhikari, along with several other BJP MLAs, on Thursday held a "symbolic protest" on the state assembly premises
"The letter both in spirit and understanding is narrow, divisive and violates the deep national sentiment that exists on the subject matter," Chowdhury stated
Minister Uday Samant said such a move will help inculcate the sentiment of patriotism among students
Gadkari was the guest of honour at the function, an aide of the senior BJP minister said
It is not the first time that the National Anthem has come under controversy
The apex court had last year ordered the theatres across the country to mandatorily play the national anthem before a movie
The video features film star Amitabh Bachchan apart from the children who sing the National Anthem
Ashwini Upadhyay of BJP has sought framing of a national policy to promote national anthem
It noted that Article 51A(a) does not refer to National Song but to National Flag, National Anthem
CIC has asked PMO to 'initiate fresh efforts' to find out historical facts and reply to an RTI
Persons with hearing disabilities will have to stand with attentivenes
BJP leader Nalin Kohli said that more than the law, what was important was respecting the national sentiment
The DGP has directed police to keep a watch all those who show disrespect to national anthem during IFFK
The six, who have been taken into custody, refused to stand up while the national anthem was being played in Kannakakunnu Nishagandhi open air theatre
On November 30, the Supreme Court made it compulsory to play national anthem in movie theaters
Standing or sitting or doing handstands in the aisles has nothing to do with how you feel about your country
The Supreme Court ruling on national anthem is remarkable because it is a stunning example of judicial overreach
It is clear that the law requires an active act of disturbance to constitute an offence, but does it include a quiet refusal to stand for the national anthem?