The government on Monday said Rs 414.24 crore has been paid to a total of 34,497 clients of Karvy Stock Broking Ltd (KSBL) from the National Stock Exchange's (NSE) investor protection fund till March 2023. In addition, NSE along with other market infrastructure institutions (MIIs) have also monetised the mutual fund distribution business of KSBL, and funds amounting to Rs 150 crore have been realized and the same is being utilized for distribution to clients of KSBL, Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary said in a written reply to Lok Sabha. The case pertains to Karvy unauthorisedly transferring securities of its clients in one of its demat accounts by misusing Power of Attorney (PoA) given to its clients. NSE and BSE suspended trading terminals of KSBL from December 2, 2019 and declared it a defaulter on November 23, 2020 for misusing clients' funds and securities. Moreover, NSE has declared 32 stock brokers as defaulters in the past five years for failing to comply wit
The announcement has been made to safeguard investors from traders who claim to have services other than broking services without having the applicable registration
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"Such revision is applicable in respect of all claims settled out of Trust, wherein settlement is done post the date of revision of such limits i.e. February 12, 2020," it said
All the penalties levied and collected by the commodity exchanges, except for the settlement-related fines, including penalties from delivery default