A net amount of Rs 6,301.96 crore was invested by foreign portfolio investors (FPI) into equities, while Rs 3,688.94 was pulled out of the debt segment
Prior to this, FPIs had poured a net Rs 16,464.6 crore in October and Rs 6,557.8 crore in September into the domestic capital markets (both equity and debt)
This follows a net investment of around Rs 7,850 crore by foreign portfolio investors (FPI) into equities in September
Doing away with the need for broad-basing of funds is expected to attract several new offshore funds to the country
Foreign brokerage Morgan Stanley says India's weight in the MSCI Emerging Market (EM) index could increase by 146 basis points (bps) if all these measures are implemented
Experts say the high issuance in the primary market is the reason for FPI flows not moving the needle much in terms of market performance