The rapid increase in the number of new Covid-19 cases and restrictions on activity are affecting economic recovery
New Covid cases could threaten the fragile economic recovery
Xi Jinping's long-term ambitions could well lead to a wariness about China's intentions across the world
Nearly 150 million slipped down the economic ladder in 2020, the first pullback in almost three decades
In the current fiscal, the current account had been in surplus in the previous two quarters, at USD 15.1 billion and USD 19 billion, respectively, as per the data
Govt's total receipts during April-February stood at Rs 14,13,096 cr or 88.2% of the revised estimates presented in the Budget on Feb 1
Dhaka's justification for breaking away from West Pakistan is now self-evident. If it has done better than New Delhi in 50 years, it has completely outpaced Pakistan on every metric, writes T N Ninan
In 2020-21, UP emerged the largest economy after Maharashtra, up from fifth position during 2019-20 and ahead of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka
The US grade would drop by two notches, and as much as three levels for Germany, India and the Netherlands.
Hopeful signs in data, but medium-term outlook uncertain
While several sectors returned to growth in Q3 , agriculture was all along different. GVA in last fiscal year at constant prices was 4.3 per cent.
Imputed Q4 GDP seen falling 1.1%; Services to catch up with mfg; Tall growth of 30% in govt spending needed; Investments better than expected, show revised numbers
The fiscal deficit at the end of January in the previous financial year was 128.5 per cent of the Revised Estimates (RE)
However, the economy grew by a much higher rate of 3.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2019-20
India's was not the worst performer among large economies in the world
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) contracted by 6.48 per cent in Q4FY20. It plunged in Q1FY21 before returning to earlier levels in Q2
India's marine resources remain under-utilised
Once the pandemic is over, the states need to garner more own revenues to spend more on meritorious heads such as education, health and infrastructure
Govt must focus on mobilising more revenues
Under the first revision released in January 2020, real GDP or GDP at constant (2011-12) prices for 2018-19 was pegged at Rs 139.81 trillion, showing a growth of 6.1 per cent