Venture capital firm Silverneedle Ventures on Friday said it has launched a Rs 100-crore fund and plans to invest in 30 startups in the next 18 months. The fund was founded by Ajay Jain and Deepesh Agarwal, who were also the founders of Xseed Partners, and it was approved by market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in August. "We will invest in 30 startups in the next 18 months and will support them till we get exits -- generally in 3-5 years for a healthy exit. The fund will aim for investing in the range of Rs 1 to Rs 6 crore per deal," Silverneedle Ventures, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Ajay Jain said in a statement. Silverneedle Ventures (SNV) shared the first investment of an undisclosed amount of funding in a creator monetisation platform Knorish. The funding round was backed by marquee investors such as Andrew Holland, Bharat Serum Family Office, IPV, Mumbai Angels, and Jet Synthesys. "Knorish aims to utilize the fund by expanding and growing its .
Digital payments firm seeking investors' support to scale up operations and compete with rivals
If interest rates continue at their current trajectory, the appetite will go down, impacting the consumption and the markets, co-founder of Zerodha and True Beacon said
Favourite haunts of start-up community in Bengaluru and Gurugram reflect the sombre mood
Revfin plans to use the funds to expand its geographical footprint to 25 states and capture over 10 per cent national market share of financed electric three-wheelers
Announcement comes on heels of Mother Sparsh's entry into the diaper segment with the launch of Plant-Powered cloth diapers. The firm had raised Rs 20 crore in Series A from ITC last November
Estimated to cost Rs 24,000 crore, the phase looks to connect several gaps in the city's transport infrastructure
WazirX founder Nischal Shetty, also co-founder Shardeum, says crypto world needs to work with regulatory bodies
Regardless of the adverse macroeconomic conditions, Byju's founder Byju Raveendran said 2022-23 is set to be the best year in terms of revenue, growth and profitability
The venture debt market is becoming popular within the start-up ecosystem with a lot of new funds coming up and limited partners also showing their interest in financing such investments
The decline in Q3 CY2022 is even sharper on a year-on-year basis
Global venture funding slumped to $74.5 billion in the past three months, its lowest level in nine quarters, according to CB Insights.
The National Highways Infra Trust (NHAI InvIT) has raised Rs 1,430 crore from domestic and international investors, through placement of its units, for part funding its acquisition of three road projects from NHAI, an official statement said. NHAI InvIT is the infrastructure investment trust sponsored by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) to support the government's National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP). Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) are instruments on the pattern of mutual funds, designed to pool money from investors and invest in assets that will provide cash flows over a period of time The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) in a statement said the units have been subscribed by a gamut of institutional investors, including Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board, State Bank of India, SBI Pension Fund, SBI Mutual Fund, IOCL Employee Provident Fund, L&T and Staff Provident Fund, among others. According to the ..
Hyderabad-based company will use financing to introduce more product categories and expand team
Government test prep platform Adda247 on Wednesday said it has raised $35 million in a round led by WestBridge Capital; the round also saw Google as a new investor
Funds will be used by the company to create capabilities for new product propositions and sustainable manufacturing standards
Average ticket size also dips across all funding stages, late-stage sees biggest fall of 70%, indicating that investors aren't willing to make large investments until economic conditions improve
Oddr, which is based in Silicon Valley and India, is planning to launch its services in North America, the UK and Australian market along with setting up an R&D centre in India
TurboHire ensures accuracy in candidate selection and reduces the cost and time spent on hiring
Under the new mechanism, non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) are providing up to Rs 8 lakh on a margin amount of Rs 2 lakh for a flat fee of Rs 2,000, said industry sources.