Sebi said Reliance did not disclose the deal even after newspaper reports in March 2020 published price-sensitive details about the Facebook investment that led to a spike in RIL shares
In today's practical age, whether a country offends your religious sensibilities can be overlooked if it is a key customer for your gas or oil, writes T N Ninan
An appeals tribunal in the UK has upheld a previous ruling directing Meta to unwind its $315 million acquisition of online database and search engine Giphy
Meta has announced that it is adding parental controls to all Quest VR headsets that will allow parents to keep a tab on underage users' screen time and receive approval requests for purchases
Police in UP's Bulandshahr arrested a man who had allegedly shared an objectionable video on social media connected with the ongoing controversy over remarks made against Prophet Mohammad
Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Quest 2 virtual reality (VR) headset will get Horizon Home as part of a new update.
Lawyers are investigating Meta Platforms Inc's outgoing operations chief Sheryl Sandberg's use of company resources over several years
Meta Platforms Inc rebranded from its eponymous social networking platform in October 2021, betting that the metaverse, a shared virtual realm, will succeed mobile internet
The complaints add to a spurt of recent cases against Meta and Snap Inc., including some filed by parents whose children took their own lives
The Indian government last week released a draft of changes to its IT law that would require companies to "respect the rights accorded to the citizens under the constitution of India"
Sandberg's India visit in 2014 was no lower in profile than Jeff Bezos' two months later
The median compensation for most S&P 500 corporations increased last year as the economy grew and the job market tightened, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.
Following the announcement that Sheryl Sandberg will step down as Meta's COO later this year, the company is losing another executive as part of a reorganisation of its AI group
As second-in-command to founder and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, Sandberg transformed Facebook from a buzzy startup into a technology behemoth and helped grow its ad revenue to over $100 billion
There has been a rise of around 37.82 per cent in hate speech on social media platform Facebook and 86 per cent jump in violent and inciting content on Instagram in April
Social media firms are already required to have an in-house grievance redressal officer and designate executives to co-ordinate with law enforcement officials.
She was pivotal in helping the company reach an unparalleled scale of more than two billion active users after Zuckerberg poached her from Google in 2008
Sheryl Sandberg has served as chief operating officer at the social media giant for 14 years. She joined from Google in 2008
The US Supreme Court has blocked a Texas law that would ban large social media companies from removing posts based on the views they express
The report found that women aged 18-34 were more likely than any other group to report a negative overall impact on mental health