An FIR has been registered in Bhopal against unidentified sellers on e-commerce giant Amazon for printing national symbols on various products, said police."An FIR has been registered against sellers on Amazon for printing national symbols on shoes, mugs, and T-shirts; notices are being sent to the company," said Bhopal Police Commissioner, Makrand Deuskar on Tuesday.Bhopal's Crime Branch has registered an FIR under section 2 of the Prevention of Insults to National Honour (Amendment) Act and section 505 (2) of the Indian Penal Code.The action came after state Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Tuesday told media persons that directed DGP to register an FIR against officials of Amazon and its owner for allegedly selling products with images or imprints of the tricolour on them."It has come to my notice that our national flag is used on products being sold by the online e-commerce platform Amazon. It is intolerable that even it (the national flag) has been used on shoes," Mishra had
Meta (formerly Facebook) on Tuesday appointed Meghna Apparao as the Director of e-commerce in India to lead the strategy and solutioning that is focused on the company's e-commerce advertisers.
Leasing of industrial and warehousing spaces across eight major cities went up by 35% during 2021 to 35.1 million square feet, driven by higher demand from third-party logistics and e-commerce players
Just under two thirds of social media users surveyed said they made a social commerce purchase in the last year, which Accenture estimates to reflect nearly 2 bn social buyers globally
Driven by Gen Z and millennial users, shopping on social media platforms is likely to reach $1.2 trillion globally by 2025, and highest growth will be seen in India and Brazil
At one end of the spectrum, a host of start-ups are basing entire business models on the presumption that content creators will drive the next wave of e-commerce.
A consumer searching for the product can see the location of the seller and may opt to buy from the neighbourhood shop that can deliver faster compared to an e-commerce company.
Auto-rickshaw services provided through e-commerce platforms would attract 5 per cent GST from January 1, 2022
The department clarified that when these taxes are separately disclosed on invoices, then they have to be deducted before calculating the TDS
Tighter rules likely for social media firms, may supersede IT laws; Digital tax for US companies to stay until OECD pact comes into force. More on today's top headlines
Firm says it has become a leader in India where it is processing 20% of e-commerce volumes. Now aims at setting itself up as a preferred choice of e-commerce firms and retail brands
Network aims to curb digital monopolies
The Indian competition law is broad enough to deal with new-age competition concerns in digital markets, member of Competition Commission of India Sangeeta Verma said on Tuesday
Over 600 brands born on the internet are selling to customers directly in India. It is now called the direct-to-commerce rush. Let us understand how this trend is shaping up in Indian e-commerce
How is the tax dept planning to tap cryptocurrencies and NFTs? What are pros and cons of investing in equity-linked savings schemes? How is D2C different from traditional business? All answers here
The conglomerates are planning to offer personal loans, travel bookings, and movie tickets to create a consolidated digital platform that will support their existing offline businesses, say bankers
Almost 68% of the respondents plan to shop online this festive season, with 43% of Indians increasing their online shopping budgets this year
US e-commerce giant Amazon spent a staggering Rs 8,546 crore or USD 1.2 billion in legal expenses for maintaining a presence in the country during 2018-20, sources said.
In the first phase, DealShare will provide services to more than 160 pin codes across Delhi, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Meerut, Noida, and Gurgaon
The B2B e-commerce platform looks at becoming a publicly listed entity in the next 18-24 months.