The Delhi High Court Thursday refused to stay release of film 'The White Tiger' tonight on OTT platform Netflix on a plea by Hollywood producer John Hart Jr alleging copyright violation. In an urgent hearing conducted late evening, Justice C Hari Shankar dismissed the stay application by the producer saying not a single reason was shown to approach the court less than 24 hours before release of the film. The court, which heard the matter for over two hours, issued summons to the producer of the film Mukul Deora and Netflix where it will be released tonight. it listed the matter for completion of pleadings before the joint registrar on March 22. The film The White Tiger' is based on the book The White Tiger' which was released in March 2008. The film features Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Rajkummar Rao and Adarsh Gourav in the lead role. The court said, It is not possible for this court to come to the finding, based on the material on record, that by making and releasing the film, the ..
Market regulator had given a go-ahead to Future Group's scheme of arrangement and sale of assets to Reliance for the $3.4 billion deal
Communal clashes had broken out in northeast Delhi on February 24, 2020 after violence between citizenship law supporters and protesters spiralled out of control
Delhi High Court says other apps also share data, defers hearing in petition challenging WhatsApp privacy policy to Jan 25
The court directed PMC bank to decide afresh about the applications of depositors seeking money for the medical and educational emergencies
Under the new policy, users can either accept it or exit the app, but they cannot opt not to share their data with other Facebook-owned or third party apps
A plea in the Delhi High Court has challenged the scheme of amalgamation of Lakshmi Vilas Bank with Development Bank of Singapore (DBS), contending that its shareholders have been "left in the lurch"
Parents are dependent on their children at some stage of life and it would be inequitable to deny compensation to those who lost their ward in a road accident, the Delhi High Court has said
Justice Singh took objection to an email sent to the Court from WhatsApp and the matter will now be heard by another bench on Monday, January 18
A Delhi High Court judge recused herself from hearing a plea challenging the updated privacy policy of messaging app WhatsApp
The Delhi High Court Friday sought response of the Centre and the RBI on a PIL seeking regulation of online lending platforms operating through mobile apps
The Jeff Bezos-led e-commerce giant has further urged the markets regulator to direct the Indian Stock Exchanges to do the same
CBI commenced arguments afresh in the Delhi High Court on Thursday in its appeal against the acquittal of former telecom minister A Raja and others
The police has told Delhi HC a plea moved by JNU student and Pinjra Tod activist Kalita, accused in a case related to riots, seeking copies of videos of protests against the CAA was not maintainable
The Court issued a notice in the matter and listed it for further hearing on February 12
The prima facie observations by a single judge are that the US e-commerce giant's attempt to control the Indian entity was violative of FEMA and FDI rules
Delhi High Court sought response of Future Retail on Amazon's plea challenging observations by a judge the US e-commerce giant's attempt to control Indian entity was violative of FEMA and FDI rules
Justice Prateek Jalan passed the order on a plea by erstwhile directors of the three companies challenging a 2016 circular of the RBI regarding declaration of accounts as fraud by banks
Petitions were listed today before the division bench for hearing, but due to elevation of one of the judges, a change in the roster is expected
The Court has directed the Delhi University (DU) to provide a timeline for declaration of results, issuance of mark sheets and holding convocation on an annual basis for students