Power Mech Projects on Wednesday said it has bagged four different orders worth Rs 1,068.36 crore. The company has received the Letters of Award for the works worth Rs 1,068.36 crore, a regulatory filing said. The first two orders are worth Rs 449 crore each and are regarding water supply pipeline construction from the State Water & Sanitation Mission, Government of Uttar Pradesh. It has also got an order of Rs 100.36 crore for Operation and Maintenance Works from Prayagyraj Power Generation Company Ltd, in Bara, Uttar Pradesh. Another order worth Rs 70 crore is for the operation of Wagon Trippler and Truck Tripplers for Tata Steel Bhushan Steel Ltd in Angul, Odisha.
Analysts, however, suggest investors remain selective on realty stocks and buy only where there is revenue visibility and a credible promoter backing
The firm's MD & CEO, S N Subrahmanyan, says L&T has reached pre-covid levels and aims to become debt free
Existing rules include a three year lock-in period before exiting
Business Standard brings you top news of the evening
Construction may grow at 4.4 per cent in H2 - significantly better compared to other major sectors. If this really happens, it could help reverse the job losses in the informal sector to some extent
Brookfield plans to continue gauging investor demand for three more weeks before proceeding with a retail offer, the person said
Micky Metals is holding back an expansion plan at its steel making plant in Bengal's in Birbhum district as "high power tariff" of the state-run electricity discom is making the project "unviable"
The Reserve Bank has taken all the right steps to attract home buyers and encourage housing finance companies. A couple of other things can complete the suite
Expanding distribution reach, value added products to help revenues, margins
While construction cranes have always run on electricity, they have tended to use diesel generators because the massive bursts of power needed would drain local grids and risk blackouts
Developers revive stalled projects faster, but someone will have to take a haircut, say industry players
Some pin hopes on the NIP even as awards for FY21 and year after look bleak
Manufacturing, construction, and trade, hotels, transport and communication will be the worst-affected segments in the official set of numbers to be announced by the government on Aug 31, they said
The agency had recently noted that the fiscal deficit of central and state governments will come at 12.1 per cent with the states contributing 4.5 per cent of it
According to sources, SPRE has gone for structured debt financing at a rate of around 20 per cent
The overall unemployment rate climbed from 2.4% in the first quarter, moving within sight of a 3.4% peak hit during the global financial crisis of 2009
"With the suspension of construction activities across the country from mid-March, completion of under-construction projects is likely to be delayed, constraining new demand," the FSR said
This comes after the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted gaps in government database, which, along with other issues, was the reason many construction workers didn't get adequate welfare benefits.
The company, which follows a January-December financial year, had posted a profit of Rs 455.68 crore in the same quarter a year ago