CESC has seen its share price almost doubled in past one year from lows of Rs 421.70 in last February, or rise over 25 per cent in the last one month, to Rs 856.20. Improving prospects in the business, and of-late expectations of restructuring and value-unlocking have led to this rally. The power production and distribution major, which also has interests in retailing, is said to be considering a demerger of its business segments. Although clarity on value-unlocking and demerger is yet to come, improving performance across business segments is encouraging. In the distribution segment, for instance, CESC's net profit at Rs 152 crore grew 5 per cent year-on-year in December quarter. Although a bit below estimates, the prospects are looking better. CESC being an integrated player involved in generation (1,125 MW), transmission & distribution of power in Kolkata owns two coal-fired plants of 600 MW each at Chandrapur and Haldia. The company has recently won some distribution circles ..
Dividend will be paid on and from March 6
This addition is likely over the next five-odd weeks
Agreement has been signed with Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd. for distributing power for 20 years
Partners with US-based Silver Spring Networks to bring part of south Kolkata under smart grid network