State-run Bank of India (BOI) on Wednesday said it plans to raise up to Rs 16,000 crore through issuance of shares and bonds. It will seek shareholders' approval at its Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on September 19, the lender said in a regulatory filing. The bank said it plans to issue fresh equity shares up to an amount of Rs 8,000 crore in such a way that the government's shareholding does not fall below 51 per cent. It will also seek approval for issuing perpetual debt instruments, including non-convertible debentures (NCDs), for an amount not exceeding Rs 8,000 crore. It said the allotment of securities shall be through qualified institutional placement (QIP), public issue, rights issue, private placement or such other mode of issue, with or without over-allotment option. Explaining the rationale behind the proposed fund mop-up, it said the Indian banking system has been implementing Basel III guidelines since April 2013 in a phased manner and the norms are to be fully
Lower provisions support the better Q1 show; net profit up almost 3.5x to Rs 843 cr
The total income during the period under review increased to Rs 11,941.52 crore, from Rs 11,526.95 crore in the year-ago period
Shares of the bank surged after the announcement. At 12.05 p.m., its shares on the BSE were trading at Rs 47.20, higher by 3.17 per cent from the previous close
Lender had posted pre-tax profit of Rs 405.7 cr in same quarter of 2018-19; plans to raise Rs 2,000 cr capital in Q3FY21
The bank clocked a profit of Rs 251.79 crore in January-March 2018-19. In December quarter also, there was a profit of Rs 105.52 crore.
A total of 147 companies, including Apollo Hospitals, Ashok Leyland, and Bank of India are scheduled to announce their quarterly results today
The bank's marginal cost of funds-based lending rate (MCLR) has also been revised downwards by 15 bps across all tenors.
Bank of India suffers Rs 5 cr fine, Karnataka, Saraswat hit with Rs 1.2 cr and Rs 30 lakh penalty
A recent report put the number of card and net banking frauds at 1,367 in FY17, about 2,127 in FY18, and 1,477 in FY19
Piecemeal regulatory forbearance will not go far and tougher questions will be asked of both Mint Road and banks, reports Raghu Mohan
However, most are extending it to their existing customers only
Net interest income up 24% to Rs 4,118 cr; GNPAs at same level as last year
The government has appointed Sanjiv Chadha as the new managing director and chief executive of Bank of Baroda
The outreach programme is being conducted in 54 zones, comprising 5,000 branches
The state-owned lender said the board approved issuance of up to 125 crore fresh equity shares through qualified institutions placement, public issue, rights issue
Bank of India had a fall in its net NPA divergence by Rs 329 crore for 2018-19
The bureau has also suggested the names of L V Prabhakar and Atanu Kumar Das for Canara Bank Bank of India chiefs, respectively
It owes Rs 15.82 crore to Bank of Maharashtra, Rs 38.63 crore to State Bank and Rs 13.18 crore to Bank of India.
Net profit stood at Rs 266.4 crore compared to a loss of Rs 1,156.3 crore in Q2 of 2018-19.