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Stories during stagflation: How India fares on 'modified' misery index?

Misery is the highest in countries known for economic mismanagement: Turkey, Argentina, South Africa. Next come Russia, Brazil, Pakistan and Egypt. And then India, notes T N Ninan


T N Ninan
Back in the 1970s, macro-economic management in the advanced economies faced a novel challenge. Inflation and unemployment, instead of moving in opposite directions through the ups and downs of the business cycle, went in the same direction. The high unemployment reflected slow economic growth, or stagnation. The combi-term invented to describe this phenomenon was stagflation. That word is in vogue again now, after half a century, as economies confront the simultaneous prospect of low-to-zero growth and high inflation.
Economists in the 1970s devised a concept to describe what people were experiencing under stagflation: A misery index, which basically added
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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