Amendment to the Act, sovereign guarantees, investment portfolio, realty holdings, and governance issues to shape valuation
Micro insurance is specifically intended for protection of low income people, with affordable products to help them cope with and recover from financial loss
Micro-insurance is specifically intended for the protection of low-income people
In a single premium policy, the premium for the entire policy is collected in advance and agents can get a commission of 2 per cent under the plan
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) recently gave the green light to 33 products and services under its regulatory sandbox framework
While RBI's recent move to make the minutes of its Central Board meeting public is welcome, regulators across sectors are generally loath to reveal cost-benefit analyses of their decisions
Moreover, Irdai has said a bank in its capacity as a group organizer may have group insurance arrangements with any number of insurance firms
"The insurance companies shall make suitable arrangements with the acquiring banks to this effect," said the the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai)
The regulator had planned to implement IndAS 117, which is an equivalent of IFRS 17, and IndAS 109 from April 1 onwards, but the IASB decided to amend IFRS 17
The regulator also told insurance brokers to be more disciplined in filing their returns
Highlighting that the insurance industry is different from other business, he said if an insurer fails, it has bearing on customers as well
Among the proposals approved, the health insurance segment has got 19 approved proposals.
The regulator on Monday issued an exposure draft on guidelines on standardisation of general clauses in health insurance policies contracts
Seven stand-alone private sector health insurers collected Rs 1,258.14 crore premium during the month
Between January 7 and 8 Irdai rapped an insurance firm and a broker for violating norms - one for parking money with related firms, and another for out-and-out reinsurance fraud
Under the rating mechanism, insurers can charge on the basis of grades based on facilities like number of doctors or equipment in the hospital
The product will be named as Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, succeeded by the name of the insurance company
Irdai, in its order, clarified that neither the insurance broker nor the MISP can create such a panel of insurers for selling motor insurance policies
Reliance Capital believes that the order by Irdai will protect the interest of all lenders and debenture holders of the company.
The regulator also said its prior approval was not taken for the transfer. The Irdai added that the unauthorised transfer also violates FDI regulations