The mop-up stood at Rs 1.031 trillion in December, slightly lower than the seven-month high of Rs 1.034 trillion collected in November
Wide variations in growth estimates for state GST raise serious questions about the assumptions on which the projections were made
GST glitches are crimping working capital supply and adding to the difficulties of competing against nimble, low-cost competitors in other countries
In the e-invoicing system, the invoices are authenticated electronically by GST Network (GSTN) for further use on the common GST portal.
Experts said under the pre-GST state-level value-added regime, cancellation of registration rarely happened
Massive polarisation as only a few stocks outperform handsomely
The racket was busted by the anti-evasion wing of CGST Delhi South Commissionerate
This saving will be passed on to the end consumers and will lower the cost of care, it added
"The methodology adopted by the respondent (J&J) was illogical, unreasonable, arbitrary, and incorrect", the order said
Here's a list of measures that will not help India overcome the slowdown
IBC is considered one of the biggest success stories in the government's efforts to de-clog the economic system from ill-effects of stressed assets
He said the Council had decided to consider changes in the rates once a year, and not in each and every meeting
These returns are to be filed by 20th of the month, next to the month of transactions
Let's pretend no more that the system isn't broken. The Centre needs to break heads in the GST Council and work out new slabs and rates (the fewer the better) and make a fresh start, writes T N Ninan
Centre will recover the excess amount paid last year by adjusting the same in this year's payment
Gupta of ClearTax feels a further reduction in credit could have been considered later
Govt must be restrained on collection targets
States are given compensation by the Centre if they don't clock 14 per cent growth in GST revenues in a year on the base of 2015-16.
Instead, it has recommended that the present inverted duty structure be corrected, besides restructuring of GST rate slabs
State FMs had met Sitharaman for a pre-Union Budget interaction