A general feeling emerged that the telecom industry will not be affected in a major way in monetary terms for doing physical verification
The majority judgment in the Aadhaar case referred to the importance of having a strong data protection regime multiple times
Live streaming of apex court proceedings is a good first step
Let a thousand "fake" beneficiaries steal from the system, than have a single Santoshi die, crying for bhat in her final moments - simply because her Aadhaar and ration card weren't linked
Prasad held a meeting with IT secretary Ajay Kumar Sawhney and Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) CEO Ajay Bhushan Pandey to review status of Aadhaar use in light of the judgement
Legal experts say an amendment is required to empower citizens to file criminal complaints
The SC judgment has clearly held that Aadhaar is constitutional and it does not tend to create a surveillance infrastructure, says UIDAI CEO
Some firms have temporarily stopped eKYC as they await further instructions from UIDAI and respective regulators
What are the provisions that have been retained, struck down or read down by the SC verdict on Aadhaar, explains MJ Antony
Worse, even when the Court has placed significant limitations on Aadhaar, Modi Sarkar has not been stirred enough to apologise for its coercive approach
The argument that Aadhaar has become too big for the country's top court to not uphold its constitutional validity reflects poorly on Indian judiciary
A government official said subscribers availing benefits of EPS will have to link their PF accounts with Aadhaar numbers
Mobile service providers and other private entities cannot ask for Aadhaar for customer registration
"When it is serving much larger purpose by reaching hundreds of millions of deserving persons, it cannot be crucified on the unproven plea of exclusion of some."
Though the court upheld the overall validity of the government's Unique Identification (UID) programme, it barred banks, insurance firms and mobile phone companies--from demanding Aadhaar data
SC has placed a number of restrictions on how who can demand Aadhaar and what services or schemes it can be used for
The entire Aadhaar programme, since 2009, suffers from constitutional infirmities and violations of fundamental rights
Section 57 gave birth to e-KYC, which allowed companies like Reliance Jio to rapidly acquire new users. Will bringing in a new law allow pvt entities to regain access to Aadhaar?
The SC's Aadhaar judgment is reminiscent of the judicial approval for denying fundamental rights during the emergency
Verdict builds on the "proportionality" doctrine enshrined in the previous court ruling on privacy, said experts