Business Standard presents two scenarios on revenues, expenditure and fiscal deficit, based on two different assumptions of the country's GDP the next financial year
Wants borrowing limit of states to be raised to 5%, extension of period under tax loss carry forward, among other things
For the next year, a high buoyancy and a positive growth should increase fiscal space, says Chakraborty
Economic activity continued with its pace of normalisation and the festivities helped narrow the deficits as compared to the year-ago period in December, a Japanese brokerage said on Wednesday.
The government's First Advance Estimate suggests the worst performance ever for the Indian economy in the wake of the slowdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic
While inflation is likely to moderate, fiscal deficit is clearly the pain point
Centre may have to amend FRBM Act once again to achieve this, which isn't an issue as such an amendment does not require a two-third or three-fourth majority
Says India has capacity to produce Covid vaccines for itself and other countries
Agency had forecast a small contraction of one per cent during Q3
Deloitte says recovery depends on vaccine, spread of Covid cases
Business Standard brings you top news of the evening
Sen said quarterly GDP numbers are still derived from some corporate accounts and corporates have not fared as badly as the non-corporate sector
However, low demand in the economy has been arresting fresh investments, and experts tracking India Inc have not seen any major announcement in this zone
Says Covid vaccines aren't likely to reach majority even in a year, Cautions against weak balance sheets, challenges in financial sector
India's economy recovered faster than expected in the third quarter as a pick-up in manufacturing helped GDP clock a lower contraction of 7.5 per cent.
All that happened in the markets today
In a Q&A, Rajiv Kumar says GDP growth could be a small negative in Q3, positive in Q4, even as he calls for more measure to spur private investment
While the economy will still see a fall in FY21, it is likely to be less pronounced than what experts had forecast earlier
Warns about the possibility of another, more devastating Covid wave, strikes an optimistic chord on declining infections
Current year will continue with a drop of 7-7.5% which is lower than the earlier anticipated 10%