Basmati rice sales are likely to increase 30 per cent to more than Rs 50,000 crore in the current fiscal, mainly due to high realisation and healthy demand, according to a report. In the report on Thursday, Crisil Ratings said that next fiscal, however, sales will decline 5-7 per cent as basmati rice realisation is expected to soften with anticipated increase in paddy acreage. The volume demand is expected to remain stable at 6.8 million tonnes, it added. "Basmati sector sales will likely rise 30 per cent this fiscal, with volume growing 10 per cent and realisation increasing 20 per cent. "Growth in export volume is driven by two factors -- increased food grain demand amid geo-political issues, and India benefiting from lower basmati exports from flood-affected Pakistan, a key basmati exporter. Next fiscal, sector sales will reduce by 5-7 per cent solely due to moderating prices," Crisil Ratings Director Nitin Kansal said. Basmati rice exports, comprising 64 per cent of sales by
PepsiCo reported better-than-expected sales in the fourth quarter after hiking prices for its drinks and snacks. Revenue rose more than 10 per cent to USD 28 billion. That was better than the USD 26.8 billion Wall Street had forecast, according to analysts polled by FactSet. Pepsi's net income fell 60 per cent to USD 535 million, largely due to a USD 1.5 billion impairment charge for its SodaStream brand and other assets. Without one-time items, Pepsi earned USD 1.67 per share in the October-December period, beating analysts' forecast of USD 1.65. Higher prices helped it navigate rising costs for fuel as well as commodities like cooking oil and potatoes, the company said Thursday. The Purchase, New York, company expects to deliver organic revenue growth of 6 per cent this year, a slower pace from its full-year organic growth of 14.4 per cent in 2022. It also plans USD 1 billion in share repurchases.
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